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ACL Tear, What you Need to Know

An ALC tear is a fairly common injury in athletes. It can be caused by a direct hit to the area, or by repetitive motion. Recovery times vary depending on the extent of the tear and the individual's overall health. Most ACL tears occur in the middle of the ligament, or the ligament is pulled off the thigh bone. These injuries form a gap between the torn edges, and do not heal on their own.Surgery may be necessary to repair a more serious tear.

Some common symptoms of an ALC tear are pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the area. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention right away. An ALC tear can be a serious injury, and left untreated can lead to long-term damage.

If you do require surgery, there are a few things you need to know. First, recovery times can be lengthy. It may take several months before you are able to return to your regular activities. Second, there is a chance of post-operative complications. It is important to follow your surgeon's instructions carefully in order to minimize the risk of these complications.

Finally, it is important to understand that not everyone who has an ALC tear requires surgery. Some tears can be treated with rest and rehabilitation. Speak to your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for you. The Associated Orthopedists of Detroit PC in St. Clair Shores and Shelby Township, MI is committed to providing the best care possible for our patients following a car accident. Our team provides immediate and expert treatment to trauma patients. If you've suffered a serious injury and need medical attention, call the office or use the online scheduling tool to make your appointment.

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